Online shopping has become the normal go-to when looking for something to purchase. With a variety of products and an unlimited number of options to choose from, what else can one ask for? Buying products and services online is without a doubt convenient, but nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. Thanks to innovative enhancements to modern day websites, it is now easier than ever to buy and sell products online. Almost anything and everything can be bought online with the click of a button.
Although the ease of use and convenience is something we have all become accustomed to in today's world, some things are just too good to be true. It’s natural for all of us to look for the best possible purchase when shopping online, but with all the websites you have to choose from, how do you know which ones are legit and which ones are best to avoid? Here are some things to look for if you're trying to determine whether or not that new website you're considering buying from, is truly legitimate or a scam in disguise:
Fake web addresses that are similar
Always check the domain name first. Read the domain name carefully. If you see something off about how the web address is spelled, double check. Also, be cautious of numbers or letters at the end, as this could be a sign of a scammer website ready to steal your valuable information.
Everything is in stock and on sale
Whenever you're in search of a product, make sure you do your research. Find out what a reasonable price for a product is and base your choices on that. We all love a good deal, but if the price seems to be too good to be true, the chances are that it is and should be avoided.
Check the overall website content
While it isn't out of the ordinary for an online store to aspire to be your one-stop shop for everything you need in life, the overall content should be consistent throughout the website. This means that if you are looking for a hammer and you click on a product image of a hammer and it takes you to a shoe warehouse, that is an instant red flag. It is standard practice to always have a consistent theme when planning content for a website. Even though an online store may sell a variety of products, a common theme is generally found.
Check for errors
Sometimes a website may look completely legitimate. It might have a unique logo and color scheme, along with hours of operation and beautiful pictures to complement the originality of the website, but always be mindful about what is on the page. Look for commonly misspelled words or obvious incorrect grammar on the page. Don't be fooled by emblems. All these trustworthy-looking images may be used on a website to instill trust and confidence in buyers. When in doubt, take a closer look at the emblem in question and see if you find any obvious mistakes.
Verify contact information and look for reviews
In the event that you have doubts about a website but all of it seems to look and function properly, always double check the contact information. A lot of fake businesses go on the assumption that it's better to have some fake information at the bottom to look legitimate in the eyes of buyers than to hide it and look suspicious. As a result, it never hurts to run a quick check on the company’s contact information to see if it's available on their website.
Always trust your gut, take your time and do your research. Look for any feedback from previous customers before you hit that buy button. Although the frequent advertising we are exposed to everyday is undeniably tempting, taking the time to thoroughly inspect that new website can be the difference between you getting a great product or a fraudulent site walking away with your hard-earned dollars.